《全港學界舞王爭霸戰2023》網上報名表格 (個人 或 雙人)

    參加者 (1) 姓名 (中文) Name of Participant(1)(CHI) *必填項目

    參加者 (1) 姓名 (英文) Name of Participant(1)(ENG) *必填項目

    參加者 (1) 年齡 Age *必填項目

    參加者 (2) 姓名 (中文) Name of Participant(2)(CHI)

    參加者 (2) 姓名 (英文) Name of Participant(2)(ENG)

    參加者 (2) 年齡 Age

    報名人數 Participant Number *必填項目


    參加者聯絡電郵 Email of Participant *必填項目

    參加者聯絡電話 Contact Number of Participant

    藝術機構 (如有) Arts Organization (If Any)

    報名組別 Application Group *必填項目

    代表單位 Representative *必填項目


    個人資料收集聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement
    在這份表格提供的個人資料, 香港創科發展培育中心會用於下列目的:
    1. 評估參加者的資格,以確定參加者是否符合條件比賽。
    2. 方便香港創科發展培育中心與閣下通訊。
    3. 參加者的註冊獲接納後,本表格所載的所有資料會存於香港創科發展培育中心,並向內部部門的資料使用人披露。

    The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by HKITDC for the following purposes:
    1. To access your qualifications for competition.
    2. To facilitate communication between HKITDC and participant.
    3. Upon the acceptance of your registration, your personal data will be kept at the HKITDC and disclosed to the data users of the internal departments.

    聲明 Declaration
    The participant and his/her parents, school or music society confirms all the names of participant, school and music society submitted are correct. HKITDC would contact participant to check the information with 7 working days after the application form is submitted.

    All filming or video taking during the competition, training and ceremony would be used on promotional purposes. Prior notice of payment and agreement to participants for the copyright is not required.

    The application fee will not be refunded to any absentee.

    The Organiser HKITDC reserves the right to revise the above rules and conditions without making any advance announcement. HKITDC reserves the right of final decision makings, participants shall raise no objection.

    By clicking the “Submit” button below, the participant and his/her parents have agreed to abide by and accept all the regulations involved.